Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To Roast Poblano Chiles

There are three different methods to choose from when preparing poblano chiles.

OVEN:  Preheat oven to 425F.  Rub whole poblanos with oil, and place on baking sheet.  Roast 30 to 45 minutes, or until charred on all sides, turning with tongs.  Transfer to bowl, cover, and let steam 15 minutes.  Rub off skins.

STOVETOP:  Place 1 poblano directly on grate of gas burner with flame turned to high.  Roast until charred on all sides, turning with tongs.  Transfer to bowl, cover, and let steam 15 minutes.  Rub off skin.

GRILL:  Grill whole, dry poblanos over medium to medium-high heat until charred and blistered on all sides, turning with tongs.  Transfer to bowl, cover, and let steam 15 minutes.  Rub off skins.

Review:  I used the oven method.  I simply placed the poblanos on aluminum foil and then reused the foil to cover the bowl while they steamed.  How economical!!

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